Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Soul Mate" versus "Good Match"

How many times have you heard people say that they are looking for their "soul mate?" I have heard this a trillion and one times. Even I have used the term in the past. Sometimes we use terms, phrases, and expressions that we truly don't understand our damn selves. So let us delve into this topic and see what we come up with.

Firstly, if you believe in the whole "soul mate" ideology, does this mean there is only ONE person out there that is "perfect" for you? I don't personally believe that to be true. A blog that my friend (DaManDL) started posed some questions pertaining to compatibility. I commented that people change as they progress through their lives. We want different things out of life now that we may not have wanted, or may not have been ready for, 5-10 years ago. Thus, someone who may have seemed like they were your "soul mate" back then could be totally wrong for you now. But that's just scratching the surface. Let's take it a step further. When we start talking about who you are "meant" to be with, this brings forth a much deeper and spiritual meaning. God is the only being that is ALL KNOWING! If you feel me on this, then you will understand that we (as mortal beings) will NEVER be able to predict or fully understand Him. I am a firm advocate that He places people in our lives for reasons. With our "simple" minds, we scurry around like roaches to crumbs on the floor searching for finite answers the the "why." The bottom line is, you will NEVER know if the person you are with or are going to be with is the absolute BEST mate for you in this world. So I choose to not use the term "soul mate" for this is beyond my comprehension as a mortal being. I do believe, however, that if you meet someone that gives you a feeling inside of your heart that simply cannot be verbally explained - a feeling that makes a sunny day that much more appreciated - one that broadens your horizons beyond that you have fathomed...that, my friends, is the measure of a good match. I say ride that for as long as you can. Hopefully, it will last for the remainder of your existence here on earth.

What are your thoughts?



jendayi said...

in my little world, soul mate = good match. but you right homie. you right.

Unknown said...

To me when you go for a "good match" you are settling. I say that b/c there can be plenty of "good matches" out there for you but what do you truly want? I want to have that chemistry and that warmth that you feel inside and to know that you are willing to be there for me no matter what. i believe that there are ppl that will do good by you and love you, but can you return the feelings and care. I personally could have married a "good Match" but would I cheat on him b/c he isnt ultimately what I want? I don't believe in 1 true soul mate. i believe that you cross paths with a mate you can have but if you are not ready then he/she passes you by and God has to prepare you some more to be able to recognize your mate. It may be a person from 5-10 yrs ago it may not be. And sometimes we connect so good with a person and think that is our "soul mate" that when it doesnt work we are like HUH!! But sometimes God can put a person in your life to make you recognize things about ourselves that we may not see and we need to so that we may grow in order to be truly ready. And sometimes Satan can disguise a person to be our "soul mate" that is why you have to have that rel/ship with God to be able to recognize these things. When God takes a person out your life it is for a reason and you might have thought it was the best rel/ship ever however he will never takes something away w/o replacing it /something a whole lot better.
And that's what keeps me going.
Your only 1 true soul mate is God, you just have to pray he sends someone after His own heart.....