Monday, November 17, 2008

Are You In Love With The Person Or Their Resume?

If you have ever experienced being in love with someone, you know that it's one of the grandest feelings you can experience. It's the kind of feeling that touches your soul and it's completely unexplainable and intangible. Everyone makes attempts, however, to understand what they feel and why the feel it. 80% of the blogs out here are about love - . One of the greatest feelings is also one of the greatest mysteries.

Today I would like to delve into a very interesting component of the love mystery. When you say that you are "in love" with someone, are you certain you aren't simply infatuated and in awe of their resume? Case in last relationship was about as dynamic and gratifying as it could be (at its apex of course - ). Once it ended, I felt devastated. I did, however, make the decision to attempt to reconcile the relationship. However, before I did that, I had to ask myself whether I was doing this because of the person, or because I was simply in awe of what she represented. The bottom line is you can have 10 degrees, make 6 figures, be the trendiest dresser, etc., and still be an @ss hole or simply someone that doesn't treat you the way YOU want to be treated. Sometimes we get caught up in what a person is on the shell - how they represent themselves - and ignore or avoid the true qualities (both good and bad) this person possesses. This only leads to us dealing with their bullsh*t - more than we would normally deal with. In short, do you love that person for who that are and the purity of their soul? Does this person bring a "calm" to your inner being that others cannot touch? --- OR --- are you caught up in the shell?

Personally, I would like to have the best of both worlds, but those people are somewhat hard to find. So my advice to all of you lovebirds out there - if you've got someone that is genunine, kind, romantic, and gives a hundred sh*ts about you, consider holding onto them . Natural beauty isn't restricted to your exterior being - it is something that just is.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel you on this one. Sometimes we are so caught up in what a person represents we don't know truly what we like about the person. I found this out the hard way once. I was in love (or so I thought) with this guy and when the rel/ship didnt got the way I wanted I was devastated. It took about 2 years to get him out my system (merely b/c I kept going back and forth with things with him). Anyway once I was over it I sat back and looked at why i loved him so, then I realized that I loved what his family represented to me. they were close his sister treated me like a lil sister, his mother loooved me and still does to this day. And I guess I just truly wanted all that acceptance. I mean i did have true feelings for him but I was more in love with being a part of his family. Its funny now we are friends and he tries to get back but I'm like I'm cool on Funny how things turn out.