Thursday, November 13, 2008

How Long Do You Fight Before You Give Up On The One You Love??

Pat Bennetar - Love Is A Battlefield

Who the hell are you telling?!? If you have been in love before...I mean that true sh*t - you know that you feel about as naked and vulnerable as a newborn baby. At the same time, that love offers a sense of security that warms you like a big thick blanket on a cold winter's night. When things are going downhill, how do you know how long to duke it out or if you should duke it out at all?

Well, allow me to offer my suggestions...

First off, you have to determine whether your significant other is "worth" holding onto or not. What are the genuine qualities this person possesses? Don't just look at the problems and the residual effects of the problems you face. Try to see that person for who he/she TRULY is. You must also reflect on what it is that you want from a relationship. Does this person possess most of the qualities you would want in a lifetime partner? How does this person make you feel? Also, do you feel this person helps you grow mentally or spiritually?

If you answered YES to all or most of the questions above, in my opinion, he/she may be worth fighting for. So how do you fight for someone? First off, drop the ego. Both men and women have egos. Don't fall victim to "the game." Keep communication open and be honest and upfront with your feelings. Never be ashamed to express your most innermost thoughts. You can only win the big jackpot when you bet more than a quarter! Be honest with yourself and make certain it is more than ego as to why you want to be with this person. Sometimes when we part with our significant other, we think we want them back so bad when in actuality, we just don't want to deal with the feelings of a failed relationship. Unfortunately, you can only fight for someone that wants to be fought for - lol. If you have been truthful with yourself, dropped your ego, communicated your innermost thoughts, that's all you can do! Basically, KEEP YOUR SIDE OF THE STREET CLEAN!

My final thoughts on this is this...
As so many people say (and I believe it too), if it is meant to be, paths shall cross again!

Love is something I believe people take for granted at times. Sure there are a million men and women out there, however, as you grow older, your selections become more and more limited. Basically, we don't downgrade from one relationship to the next - we make all attempts to maintain or upgrade if possible. Looks are one thing, but chemistry between two poeple is something that cannot be measured on a scale. It just is. So when you find love, hold onto with two hands fight for it if you think it's worth it - because it doesn't come around every 5 mintues like it used to back in the day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The one funny thing about this one is that you can truly feel that a person is worth fighting for and you think they feel the same. But how long is too long to be fighting for the relationship? I am in it to the end but I have found out that even though it was said "I will always be here and wait on you and want to spend my life with you" It did end. And to me I was fighting a losing battle b/c my BF @ the time gave up just when I needed him the most. And I didn't think he would have. So in the end how do you even know when its worth it and when its not? Even after evaluating all that you need to about the person and the relationship. Sometimes we have to step out on the limb and guess what, sometimes its not that strong...