Monday, November 17, 2008

The Booty Call - Are They More Trouble Than They Are Worth?

If you don't have a steady significant other that can bless you with sex whenever you want it, you have two options. You can either manually stimulate yourself (aka masturbation ) or you can pick up the phone and call an "old faithful" for a booty call. Most of us have them. That one person that seems to always be on stand-by and ready to f*ck your brains out with no strings attached. But are there really no strings attached?? I love sex and all that comes with it just like the next one, however, as I grow a little older (and wiser I might add), I have been thinking a lot about "the why" behind booty calls. Yes, you can get your "nut" off with a warm body instead of with your hand or with a toy - but is the immediate gratification worth it in the long run?

I got a call about 11pm one night from a chick I know doggone well wanted some. She didn't come right out and say it, but I knew what was up. Though I was tired as hell, I decided to jump in the shower, throw some clothes on, and go out anyway. As I ran into traffic on the bridge, I was like - F*CK!!! Now I find myself sitting in traffic and the wheels in my head start turning. What the heck am I going through all of this for? I am tired as hell and I can be in the bed right now!! I knew I would be extra tired the following day as a result of my nocturnal activities. But...I already passed through the toll so no turning back now - LOL. So traffic finally starts moving and I get to my destination by 12:45am. As soon as I get inside, I am greeted and given a drink. By 3am, and 4 drinks laced with liquor later, I was toasted! So I start to think...OK - I am getting tired so let's get this moving shall we - LOL. We go into the bedroom and it's all good. Lick, suck, grope, choke (just kidding ), and then...UUUUUUHHHHHHHH --- NUT BUST!

Now I can only speak for myself, but when the nut is busted, ALL rationale slaps me in the face. The gross reality that I'm really not feeling this chick beyond any sexual escapade hits me. I start thinking to myself, DAMN - my own bed sure would feel good right about now. But breaking out just like that seems a bit too ROACH. So I am laying there thinking to myself once this it? Is this what I want? Yes, sex is great...and YES, a warm body to lay next to is great. However, I have reached a point in my life where I yearn for a bit more than getting my rocks off. The connection and feeling you get with someone you REALLY want to be with is priceless.

Sometimes you have to think about some things when you get involved with someone just for a booty call. It may seem far fetched, however, it can become a reality!

1) You should be using protection, however, what if she gets pregnant? There isn't any contraceptive that is 100% effective. They always say it's 99%. You never know. You could be that 1%. Are you ready to go through the mental anguish of discussing whether to bring a child into this world under those circumstances?

2) We all have our little secrets. How do I know how many other people this person is laying their head with?? Not to say that you are totally "safe" from this if you are involved. You may have a higher probability though. Diseases and and stuff like that aren't always transmitted solely by penile/vaginal penetration. Those few hours of pleasure could leave you with some sh*t you gotta get some cream or some pills for. Or even worse - some sh*t you CAN'T get rid of.

3) What if one of the constituents start catching feelings? This, unfortunately, is the cause of a lot of booty call breakups - LOL. We all know it's a b*tch when there is an imbalance in feelings. Somebody has to be the "bad guy."

So back to the question at hand. Booty Calls - Are they worth it in the long run?

If the chick is all that, why the f*ck do I want her as just a booty call? Holla!!

1 comment:

jendayi said...


and where r u finding these pictures?