Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ode To Kris

As you read the title...NO - this is not an ode to myself. My name actually begins with a "C" - lol. This is an ode to someone that has grown to be ultra special in my life in a very short amount of time. In order to appreciate the words I'm about to put down, it's important for me to reflect on my blogs of past that bled energy of frustration, temporary blasts of happiness, and wishful thinking. Over the course of my blogging tenure, I've spoken about a number of things that people randomly think about at times. However, the vast majority of my blogs dealt with love and relationships. Can you ever get enough of that topic?? With so many layers, relationships are like a big ball of yarn. But allow me to stop rambling and get to it!
I just wanted to take an opportunity to communicate how very special you are to me. Though I say these things randomly to you on a regular, I've never taken the time to just sit down with my thoughts AND immortalize them in the form of collective expressions of how I truly feel. There are quite a few things that I feel and wish to communicate that sound so cliche! I've never been an advocate of overused cliches like "love at first sight" (to name one) but I find myself using them in order to describe how I feel and what you mean to me. From the very first time I saw you, your whole essence just captivated me. I knew that you were someone that I wanted to talk to and was hoping, like I've done in the past, that we'd hit it off. You're physical presence is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. You are such a beautiful woman. What I did not realize until later on though is how beautiful you are on the inside as well. It pains me to even think that men in your past would do you wrong and not realize the gem they had. Immaturity - that's all I'll say. Years from now, I'm sure they will look back and be like - wow...I had a dime and let that go. But it's of no consequence now because I have found you and trust me when I tell you - I have NO intention of letting you go. Thought it's only been three months (roughly), I can honestly say that I love you. And what makes things so much better than other "situations" I've been in, is that loving you is SO easy! Everything is easy! I don't have to put forth any mental energy in order to communicate my expressions of love to you. It simply comes so naturally and I feel blessed on so many levels to have you. I've been waiting for you for a long time and you've finally come. Are you "the one?" At first I was saying to myself - I certainly hope so. But I have to exercise the laws of attraction and say to myself..."thoughts become things!" If I want you to be the one, then I'll make that happen. I believe our relationship is analogous to a free flowing stream of water. The only thing that can stop that flow is if I consciously put a barrier to prevent that flow which I have no intention of doing. In short, I'm ready to allow myself to drift with this current and allow it to take us wherever it wants us to go. There's no need for any true effort on our part. The current will dictate our destination. Wherever we go though, I want to be there with you. My life has had it's share of ups and downs - especially over the past few years. But like any storm, the sunshine returns eventually. I must say that you are one of the main reasons my sunshine is returning. I've already started feeling the warmth of your presence and am looking forward to even more time being spent in the rays of your energy. My spirit is calm for once and I cannot fathom the last time I've been in this peaceful place. In retrospect, perhaps I've NEVER been in this place. All I can say is that it's a great place to be and I know you have a great deal to do with that. This is the reason it is so easy for me to express my innermost feelings to you. I couldn't be any more ready to move forward and I'm so happy I never settled and waited for exactly what I've always wanted - someone who is beautiful even when she sleeps, someone who is articulate and intelligent, someone who doesn't takes the world seriously but is not a serious person, someone who enjoys the same things I enjoy, someone who is cultured and wordly, someone who recognizes and appreciates a good man, someone who understands how to communicate her expressions of passion and love, someone that will have my back as much as I have theirs, someone who brings so positive energy that you can't help but to see it ---- someone like the greatest woman I've ever met by the name of Kristin Parker.